Monday, February 23, 2009

A Hike up the mountain.

An hour hike up the mountain from my village gets you up here, over 3,000 meters above sea level, a waterfall, and a large rock they call the ¨cow¨ because of its resemblance. Not too mention also some beautiful views as far as Mexico, some volcanoes (Santa Maria, Tajamulco), and Mayan Alters that are scattered on the peaks of the highest points in my village. Yes Mayan religions known as Cosmovisiones are still practiced here by Mayans priests.

I usually like to hike these places by myself, but on this day I went with my Kiche teacher and his kids. We left one Friday morning at 6 AM and didnt return till 3 PM, It was sooo worth it, not too mention the glimpse of the Quetzal we saw on our way back. Yes, Quetzales do roam the woods of my site, Believe it or not!
I tried to snap a picture of the Quetzal but she left after it saw us. Bummer.