Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Site Assignment and Site Visit.


It is finally a reality. We were finally assigned our sites for the next two years. After much anticipation and an anxiety hair raising 2 day delay by our APCD Dr. Ball. We were finally given our site on June 25th.

It all took place in the municipality at my town of San Bartolome. Early that morning to reduce the anxiety, I took a jog through the campo. We then all met at the Muni at 9:00 AM and after some dialogue from the Doctor we were given the names of the sites and with a large map we were shown the locations.

Dr. Gonzalo Ball, our Youth Development Project Director.

The Manila folder held information about our future homes.


??? ???????? ????????????
------------ is a small of the Municipality of ------------from the Department of -----------. It is located in the western highlands and is about 2,725 meters high. The population is roughly 14,000 people and has 14 caserillos (twps). The town is 98% indigenous K'iche and 95 % of the pop speak the Mayan Dialect K'iche. Because of it's altitude, the weather is Cold. The town is also 100% agricultural, growing mostly corn, beans, and potatoes along with some other yummy vegetables & fruit.

I had the chance to visit my site last week with the help of my counterparts who are ------------ and -----------, the local CTA (superintendent) of the schools in the town and the director of one of the Junior High Schools I will be working for.

Here are some other pics of --.-----------

(Due to PC policy I had to edit this post by deleting the names of my site). Sorry.

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